Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A new Focus for now - Account management learnings

I have been annoying myself because I haven't been able to keep up my Cloud learning and blogging lately - so last night I decided I would share my wealth by sharing what I am able to share - Account management lessons. Since that is how I spend my day, I should be learning something almost every day, right? So, for now, I am committing to at least 2 posts a week (ok, so I may not learn something every day, and I may not be able to blog every day) on how to be an outstanding Account Manager. My blogs will be geared to Account management for services (consulting), not product. Some posts will be relevant to consulting in general, some to leadership, and some to pure account management. I hope you find them helpful.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Do you have these skills?

If one of these descriptions fit you please send me email at
1. Senior Solutions Architect/Exchange - Must be able to lead projects as well as work in a team environment. MCSE preferred. Exchange 2010 experience is required.
2. Senior Solutions Architect/VDI - same as above with the exception of technical skills. This practice will be virtualizing Microsoft Applications on the Desktop. We need a ThinApp Packaging person immediately in New Jersey.
3. DW Architect - Very senior Architect/Technical resource with deep exposure to DW solutions that utilize the Oracle platform. Ideally someone who has designed and implemented large-scale DW architectures, and has a specialty in performance and tuning of large-scale implementations. We need hands-on technical DW gurus who know their way around Oracle technology in BI/DW context.

Friday, August 20, 2010

A move for the next generation of computing...

Intel and MacAfee - a move for the next generation. As IDC said it today, "This deal is a bid for Intel to capture value in the next era of computing - connected devices". This is a pretty bold move with a big price tag so it needs to have big payoff - but I expect they are looking at a (relatively) distant future for that to happen. This definitely puts MacAfee in the drivers seat for security. A very interesting move. Wonder what other moves will happen as result... Any thoughts?

Monday, July 19, 2010

Fill 'Er Up! Coffee Mugs Get Connected with RFID

I don't typically like to just forward on another blog, but this one is so intuitive and interesting that I felt compelled to spread the word. When is Starbucks going to find out about this and jump on board - it only needs 1 big player to adopt it and it will take off!


Friday, July 2, 2010

Why should Service providers (SPs) adopt Public Cloud?

Because there is a business need.

I recommend a client never take on a technology unless there is a need for it, and even though there is a lot of promise in Cloud technology, the same rules apply... there has to be a business need or it won't pay. Ecommerce and some of the other disruptive technologies worked the same way - if you did Ecommerce for the sake of a sizzling new technology, things generally didn't turn out so well. If you did it to gain market share, optimize processes that use more manual methods/paper methods, etc, you saw real value.

So what business value does public cloud provide? The question I come to is what services are offered today or could be offered in the future (in line with the business of SPs) that would be well served with Public cloud technology? And there are alot of different types of SPs too, so just to narrow it down, let's talk about telecom companies. Do the AT&Ts and the Verizons need it? or can the Tier 2 providers benefit more from it by providing services more quickly, more economically and more efficiently? Thoughts?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Cloud Adoption Lifecycle

This is presentation by Appistry is a decent, 20,000 ft. level view of why cloud is a game changer. I don't know that I would put Cloud computing at the level of impact that the internet had, but I do believe it provides the world a better platform for computational capabilities and is a necessary (or at least valuable) step in the evolution of computation.

To me, Cloud computing is similar to a stage in the evolution of utilities. Electrical power, in the early days, was generated by the user with complex systems (relatively speaking) required to make it happen. Today, electricity is ubiquitous (essentially) and using it requires you simply plug a cord into an electrical socket. The entire user environment has coalesced to work with the electrical "cloud". (e.g., appliances have been standardized, backup systems have been developed to ensure it is (almost) always available, etc). Computing is in that same evolutionary trend where (when we look back we will realize) it really hasn't been easy to get an additional "unit" of computational power (e.g. the next application). You had to have a computer, get the software, set it up, and run it. Smart phones has changed our view of getting this extra unit of power and has wet our appetite for Cloud. Cloud computing takes computational capabilities one step closer to ubiquity by bringing computation and applications closer to the end user. It gives us more software options, software that is already running and a bigger environment to run applications. Cloud promises additional capabilities such as standard metering, connectivity standards, and management software so that it is always available with many of the complexities hidden from the end user.

So, going back to the premise, Cloud does (will) bring us one big step closer to a more ubiquitous environment for computing. Turning computation into a "utility" is going to change our lives forever.


this is my new blogging home!

Some of you may have seen my posts on Please continue to follow me here - I have discontinued use of that Blogging site.

Best Regards,
