Friday, June 7, 2013

My Take: Chapter 4 of Maxwell's 15 laws of Growth - The Law of Reflection

Time for reflection!
Time for reflection! (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
After reading this chapter multiple times, the key takeaway from this chapter is that reflection is necessary to learn from our past activities.  And, as we get older there is more to learn. Basically, allow growth to catch up to us.   A quote from the book is, "If we pause to allow growth to catch up to us, it makes our lives better, because we not only better understand the significance of what we have experienced, but we can implement changes and course corrections as a result".

When we do pause there are a few steps that are suggested: Investigate, Incubate and Illuminate and then Illustrate. For example, I just went through a pretty grueling interview process that ended with a rejection. Painful, but enightening, and reflection has given me some new insights on myself as well as the actions of a company that I want to work with.

This sounds like a signficant commitment of time and energy, right? It is, and that is why people don't do it and why it puts us ahead of the game if we do.  And, it becomes even more important as we get older since there is more to learn to effectively direct our lives for the later part of our life.  Reaching our potential is a direct outcome of reflection on our life lived so far.
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